We buildup the future generation by inculcating Values, Morals, Purity, Truthfulness, Generosity and also by giving them the best of Education

During break times, students use the canteen. The canteen serves a wide range of Healthy Rrefreshments and Snacks at break times.

Health and First Aid Services
Our school has First Aid kits located at each and every floor. First Aid services are available to students, staff and visitors. Primary health check up is conducted for all students.

The Priority of the School is Safety of our students at all times and we therefore encourage students to use the buses arranged by the school, unless, they are brought to school by their Parents.

A well maintained Library is provided for the enquiring minds to broaden their thinking abilities. The Latest books on various subjects and a Good Number of Magazines are available, based on Subjects taught.

Play Zone
We believe in the saying, "All Work and No Play makes Jack a Dull Boy". Hence in our school, we have a well equipped play zone for our students to spend their Leisure Time.

It is always necessary to go hand in hand with the modern world, to keep our students always updated, and hence to constantly upgrade them we have advanced systems in our spacious lab.